Global construction company engages Novitas to develop a series of animated videos

 Wed, 16th Feb, 2022

Global construction company engages Novitas to develop eight animated videos to support project communications to employees across all work-streams for its ERP project rollout.

The animated videos will include features that go beyond text and images, such as character driven narratives with voice-over and music. The video series will support the project communication by delivering dynamic and captivating messages that will engage employees and deliver results. The content will be developed using the animation software tool Vyond.

About Novitas
Founded in 2012, Novitas provides flexible, tailored and cost-effective training services and eLearning solutions for all types of digital transformation projects, in any geography bringing experienced professionals with extensive understanding of delivering the change in workforce literacy required to drive holistic long term and meaningful outcomes.

Novitas designs and develops effective visual project communication videos to support change and business transformation programmes for our clients' project communications requirements. Our custom built animated video content will ensure business success and meet the needs of their people throughout the change and transformation journey.

Novitas puts the employee at the heart of our content development process as we develop engaging, meaningful and motivational experiences through animated video content.

The Novitas 6D’s content development methodology allows us to collaborate with your business process and systems experts ensuring our highly engaging content is delivered to your deadline and budget.

Contact us directly at Novitas to speak to one of our senior specialists about how we can develop high quality animated video content to ensure project success in your programme communications.
